Tag Archives: DC


So I every now & again I stumble upon  (quite literally this time around) something just TOTALLY awesome. This time, it’s a fantastic web comic called “Little League“. The premiss is pretty simple: our favorite DC comic characters are little tots in elementary school, and the simplicity works SO well. Each character is still the same DC character we know and love. Batman (the lead in most the strips) is still this dark little rascal who appreciates alone time (aka “timeout”) and who’s mind is always on his next move. In one strip, its story time and he’s quick to pull out and study “The Art of War”.  Meanwhile his best friend, Super Man, is straight edge, in love with his own traditional style, and frequently love struck.

That said, the grade school element and adorable illustration makes for some laugh worthy scenarios and just plane cute scenes. It’s fair to say I do tend to be jaded in favor of humor or stories that revolve around children. The Little Prince stands as my all time favorite book, so its no surprise that my heart swells and a smile forms when I can get lost in a story about to best bud kids, but seriously, they are quick, funny (& sometimes surprisingly dramatic), and just plain great reads.

I mean, tell me thats not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen (illustrated at least)! Maybe if you hate kids its not your thing (because your probably a demon witch or something), but really…you owe it to yourself to check it out. Like them on Facebook, tumblr , or twitter. You owe it to yourself.

Enjoy, and thanks for the read!

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